MORTGAGEPRO News Presents...
Our Exclusive Thrive Now! Success Series

Workshop Registration

Join Richard Lazovick and special guest Bob Regnerus who will teach you how to use your website to


Get more traffic to your website and
convert that traffic into qualified leads.

“The Leads King" -- Real World Internet Marketing.
Bob Regnerus is a full-time Internet traffic generation and conversion specialist.

Bob Regnerus

Finally, A Real Guide To Internet Marketing For Business Owners!

Do you want new strategies to finally get more clients for your business from the Internet?

Bob will not just teach you how to drive more traffic to our websites, but how to make more money from your website.

He will help you answer the following questions:
* Should I manage my own traffic?
* Am I being as efficient with my resources as possible?
* Am I converting a reasonable percentage of visitors?
* What should I look for in a traffic managment expert?
* What types of traffic are there? What type do I need?
* Organic traffic versus paid leads?

Bob Helps Leading Industry Experts !

Bill Glazer, president of the exclusive Kennedy/Glazer newsletter and the foremost authority on marketing for retail stores in North America: "Bob Regnerus is a website genius. I personally recommend him to get you traffic and increase conversions on your website. I have personally used Bob's services, and refer him to my best clients."

Alexandria K. Brown, a.k.a. "The Ezine Queen" & Million Dollar Marketing Coach to Solo-preneurs Around the World: "…Thanks for the fantastic ideas on improving my landing page…"

Matt Gillogly, Real Estate Coach and Mentor: "Bob - anyone can drive traffic to a website. What separates you from everyone else is that you helped me make more money through my website. That one change you recommended turned the webpage from 11.56% conversion to 24.7% overnight!. Sheer genius!"

Mark Sumpter, Real Estate Coach and Mentor: "My entire office is in an uproar over the increase in signups!"

Register for your free

Be sure to answer the questions so we can address YOUR needs!!


Please use the form on the right to reserve your seat for the free teleclass

Please enter your fax number. It is only used for occasional, automated reminders and additional information from Bob. NO sales calls!


Please note: You will receive an email from
Thrive Email Address
Check you bulk folder and settings to make sure you receive any teleclass updates.

Your email address and personal information are confidential and will not be sold or rented by or Bob Regnerus

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