MORTGAGEPRO News Presents...
Our Exclusive Thrive Now! Success Series

Workshop Registration

Join Richard Lazovick and special guest Scott Tucker who will teach you how to turn your mortgage business around and


Take advantage of the current mortgage market Now!!

Scott Tucker is a real world “Mortgage Marketing Genius".

Scott Tucker

Finally, A Real world Mortgage Marketing Genius!

Do you want new strategies to finally get more clients for your business?

Scott will not just teach you how to get more traffic, but how to make more money.

He will teach you:
* How to get borrowers to CHASE YOU!
* About credit repair
* How to profit from insurance
* How you really can make HUGE PROFITS with direct mail.

Scott will also help you answer the following questions:
* Can I really make more money in today's Mortgage Climate?
* What are the best niches for me to focus on?
* Are Reverse Mortgages really a good deal, or just another scam?
* How do I market for FHA Streamline refinances?
* What is the best way to market for Freddie/Fannie prime ARM resets?

Here is what people have to say about Scott:

Mike Zuckerman: "Before Scott Tucker I was working I was working with Realtors! 12 hours a day, 5 days a week!
Plus getting calls on my cell phone at all hours! Evenings and weekends! At dinner with my wife, you name it!
Now, a $14,000.00 fee with ZERO resistance and no realtors is common place!
In THIS Market! "

Ben Jones "…Using Scott Tucker's System, I've been able to cut my hours from 70 hours-a-week to only 30 hours-per-week! And now I make a TON more money!
Now borrowers chase ME!
And, I use Scott's reverse mortgage System to not only get reverses, but to write insurance business with my reverse mortgage borrowers after the reverse as well! ;"

Mike Gonzales: "I used Scott Tucker's System for Fannie/Freddie ARM re-sets! I just made $80,000.00 in fees in February 2008 using it! That's more than I ever made in the 'refi boom!'""

Scott has promised me this will be a very informative call "NOT salesy, NOT Hype!"

Register for your free

Wednesday August 20th
11:00 am PT
12:00 pm MT
1:00 pm CT
2:00 pm ET

Be sure to answer the questions so we can address YOUR needs!!


Please use the form on the right to reserve your seat for the free teleclass

Please enter your phone & fax numbers. They will only used for occasional, automated reminders and additional information. NO sales calls!


Please note: You will receive an email from
Thrive Email Address
Check you bulk folder and settings to make sure you receive any teleclass updates.

Your email address and personal information are confidential and will not be sold or rented by or Scott Tucker

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